Natural Alternative Infertility Specialists in Huntington, WV

The Huntington ‘metroplex’ is comprised of many suburbs which are quickly merging into a large and expanded Huntington super-city. Unlike many other states, Huntington and the surrounding areas have been vastly unaffected by the state of the economy and recession currently happening in the United States. Instead, Huntington continues growing by leaps and bounds making it one of the best places to live, work and grow your family.

With the prospering economy in Huntington continues, demands are often placed on individuals in the workplace to continue driving productivity and growth. Under these conditions, staying healthy, regaining wellness or even the ability to achieve conception can be a daunting and tireless task. We are here to help through education, and treatment of the ‘whole’ of you – whatever your needs, from wellness, to correcting imbalances, and/or infertility concerns utilizing holistic, natural methods.

At our clinic we pride ourselves on being not only a Huntington Infertility Clinic, but specialists in natural fertility treatments and holistic health care. Our goal for you is optimal wellness, in all areas.

In our holistic practice, we offer the following services:

Women’s Health

Family Health

• Holistic Wellness Consultations/Treatment
• Functional Blood Testing
• Food Sensitivity Testing
• Sound Therapy
• Auricular Therapy
• More…

In this 21st century, with all of the amazing technological advances, our growth as a world has been a major contributor to poisoning the air we breathe, the water we drink and, more importantly, our agricultural stability. These factors have made staying healthy an arduous undertaking, evidenced by the growing rise in disease. We are physiologically damaging our immune and endocrine systems, slowly, but severely, leading to a drastic increase in cases of PCOS, endometriosis, and infertility – which threatens the sustainability of human existence.

At AskDrSkip, our holistic health care and online fertility doctors understand that clients today are widely educated and take the seriousness of their healthcare into their own hands. Even in this age of technology, clients still search for the doctors of the distant past, (over 100 years ago), who sat down and listened to their medical issues. Doctors were engaged in their lives with true concern for their well-being and not just the bottom line. We believe that clients should be treated more like family as opposed to being herded quickly through an office with a 15 to 30 minute appointment. Click here on how your experience with Dr. Skip, O.M.D., is different.