hen Dr. Skip, O.M.D., uses the term ’boutique’ he is referring to the unique practice and experience that is provided throughout treatment sessions. Treatment packages are a ‘shared journey’ approach to medicine where Dr. Skip, O.M.D., is available to respond to inquiries and questions throughout the treatment. This is part of your package. Because of the intimate nature and tailored approach we call this a ’boutique health experience’. It is because of this that only 8-10 women are admitted into these programs at a time. Most clients familiar with conventional medical approaches, where health providers act more like drug dispensaries and often spend as little as 15 min. with them, will be pleasantly surprised by the individualized attention received from Dr. Skip, O.M.D., during the standard 60-90 minute therapy sessions. 
BUN –  An end product of protein breakdown. It is produced mainly in the liver and is eliminated by the kidneys.
– Synonyms: Blood Urea Nitrogen